T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
BURSA / OSMANGAZİ - Osmangazi-Ahi Hasan Ortaokulu

Presentatıon Of The Classrooms

Okulumuzdaki dersleri ve sınıfları tanıttık. Bizi izlemeye devam edin.

Students presented our clasess, lessons and environment . 

They talked about the qualities and materials of our classes , how and where they study. 


They introduced the classes, Science lab, corridors and the historical library at our school garden and made their comments and wishes about our classes.

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Yayın: 24.05.2023 - Güncelleme: 27.05.2023 12:02 - Görüntülenme: 74
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